Breathtaking Brisbane

Unlike Sydney, Brisbane is more laid back, conservative and less touristy yet it has its own charm that pulls you back waiting for you to take a second look.

We took the first flight from Sydney to Brisbane. Flight took about an hour and a half but we really didn’t feel it because we were asleep the entire time. Lucky us!

We were picked-up by my uncle who immediately toured us around the uphills and downhills of Brisbane. Yes. Interestingly, it is not a flat surface like a normal city would have.

We walked around Ann St., Queen St. (famous shopping district), Victoria Bridge, South Bank (where you can find the man-made beach beside Brisbane river), Botanical garden and Eagle Pier.

We had lunch at Myers mall which is located inside Queen St. Afterwhich, we then had our river cruise of the city. Believe it or not, it took us 22,000 steps to walking around for half a day.

After our sightseeing tour, we picked-up my Aunt whom I have not seen for the past 30 years. We had a lot of catching up to do. We laughed a lot reliving funny childhood memories and her success story in Australia.

Brisbane was made special because of family (just like Sydney). A holiday is well spent if you share it with people you love and care for. Reconnecting with people who matters is important you know.

I am definitely coming back. They have three major theme parks to visit.

Published by #TheWorldisOurAddress

I work in sales and the telecommunications field full time. I also teach dance on the side. On top of a busy schedule, me and hubby always try to find time to travel to experience different cultures, enjoy nature, be amazed by skyscrapers and discover unique experiences. With this blog, you can get insights on backpacker to luxury travel living, food and accommodation recommendations, and our own stories of must-see parts of the Philippines and the world. Live you bliss. Make your travel fantasies a reality.

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