Waitomo Glowworms Cave, New Zealand

Seeing the magical galaxy and universe of Waitomo cave and glowworms is just mind-blowing. That feeling of being close to the moon and stars is probably what I felt. The glowworms are the real stars of the show.

I’m happy on how they are taking care of this beauty. I just have no words as tears fell down, one by one, as we took the boat ride after walking the marvelous cave and passed by the Pipe Organ, Banquet Chamber and the Cathedral.

God, thanks for this opportunity.

Published by #TheWorldisOurAddress

I work in sales and the telecommunications field full time. I also teach dance on the side. On top of a busy schedule, me and hubby always try to find time to travel to experience different cultures, enjoy nature, be amazed by skyscrapers and discover unique experiences. With this blog, you can get insights on backpacker to luxury travel living, food and accommodation recommendations, and our own stories of must-see parts of the Philippines and the world. Live you bliss. Make your travel fantasies a reality.

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